В пятницу, 27 декабря, была открыта техническая эксплуатация обновленного моста через реку Чернавку на трассе Авдотьино – Беляницы – Курьяново
The main conceptual idea of the text is the opening of a new bridge across the Chernavka River in Ivanovo Oblast, Russia.
The new bridge replaces an old, dilapidated bridge and is part of the "Safe Quality Roads" project. The text highlights the construction progress, including the completion of crucial work that allowed for the opening of traffic and pedestrian access ahead of the scheduled deadline.
The main conceptual idea of the text is the opening of a new bridge across the Chernavka River in Ivanovo Oblast, Russia. The new bridge replaces an old, dilapidated bridge and is part of the "Safe Quality Roads" project. The text highlights the construction progress, including the completion of crucial work that allowed for the opening of traffic and pedestrian access ahead of the scheduled deadline.